
Thursday, 19 December 2024

Mog´s Christmas calamity

Mog sets off a chain of unfortunate events which almost ruin Christmas for the Thomas family. He starts a house fire! Can she pull it all back to save the day?

Wednesday, 11 December 2024



1.  PACO-Malak

2. MOHAMED B-Ilyass

3. CAROLINA (a)-Lucía

4. MARINA C-Unai

5. ELSA-Rebeca

6. RIMA-Douaa

7.  MARWA-Aitor

8. ANA-Douae

9. ABDELJALIL (a)-Adam

10. JAMAL (a)-Mario

11. ISSLAM (a)-Alejandro

12. ALEJANDRO (a)-Iris

13. ALFONSO-Imran

14. VICTORIA-Isabella

15. CATRIEL--Malak

16. ALICIA- -Ilyass

17.  ÁNGEL--Lucía

18. MARINA Q- -Unai

19. LEIRE- Rebeca

20. ADRIÁN--Aitor

21. RUBÉN-Adam

22. JERO--Mario

23. YOUSSEF (a)-Iris

24. DIANA-Imran

25. BADER-Isabella

Wednesday, 4 December 2024

Sharing the presentation

 1.Change the name of the presentation:

Go to the presentation and Click in the 3 dots at the right top

Choose “change name” and write yours and one surname. Example: “Miriam García introduction”

2.Share the presentation:

Go to the presentation and click on the 3 dots at the right top/ Choose “share and write”

Write my

Click in  “hecho”

The Elf on the Shelf

Mc Millan 4. Quiz unit 1

Thanksgiving quiz

Tuesday, 26 November 2024

Black Friday and Cyber Monday

Black Friday is the Friday after Thanksgiving in the United States. It traditionally marks the start of the Christmas shopping season and it is the busiest shopping day of the year in the United States.

Bomb countdown

Wednesday, 13 November 2024

Art vocabulary and styles


A picture, design, or piece of art done in paints

Some paintings can become a MASTERPIECE (Obra maestra), the most outstanding piece of work of a creative artist, craftsman, etc.

A tightly stretched (extended) cloth surface on which to paint.

A border or case for enclosing a picture, mirror, etc.

A person who creates works of art.
The artist is holding a PALETTE and a BRUSH



It is a pictorial representation of a person usually showing the face and shoulders.


Painting or drawing of an arrangement of objects, typically including fruit and flowers and objects contrasting with these in texture, such as bowls and glassware.

Vincent van Gogh, Sunflowers 1888


Abstract art is art that does not attempt to represent an accurate depiction of a visual reality but instead uses shapes, colours, forms and gestural marks to achieve its effect.

A painting representing a view of the countryside.